Davis County Date Nights

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A Local Bakery is Making the Best Hot Cocoa Bombs for Date Night at Home

A month or two ago, I came across a company on social media that was posting videos of hot cocoa bombs. I love hot chocolate, and the bombs looked so fun, I immediately wanted some of my own. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that nobody would ship them to Utah, for obvious reasons, and my only hope of enjoying some for myself was to take the time to make my own, or find someone locally who was making them. So I was really excited when a local bakery, that I follow on Instagram, posted that they were making hot cocoa bombs and would be selling them soon! I immediately messaged Goose Egg Bakery and ordered one of each flavor, and I picked those up last week.

I’m here to tell you that those hot cocoa bombs are THE BOMB! They would make the perfect addition to the hot chocolate tasting date night idea that I posted here last week. I’m planning on using them for gifts this year. But they’re fun to have on hand to enjoy yourself at the end of a cold day!

Where: Goose Egg Bakery - locally owned, home based bakery in Farmington (@gooseeggbakery on Instagram)
Cost: $6/bomb, $30/six bombs, $60/12 bombs, $115/24 bombs
Get a discount if you mention you heard about the hot cocoa bombs from Davis County Dates!

Gabby, the owner of Goose Egg Baker, is currently creating some new bomb flavors, including Orange Chocolate, which I’m really excited about. When I ordered, I wanted to try all seven flavors that she had available, so I got one of each, for $29.50. We got Pumpkin Spice, Red Velvet, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Peppermint, Black & Tank, and Salted Caramel.

I tasted each of the bombs, even the ones that my husband drank, and they were all delicious! The combination of the hot cocoa powder and the chocolate of each bomb created a perfectly creamy and flavorful cup of hot chocolate, every time. It would be really hard for me to pick a favorite, especially when there are more flavors I’m excited about that are coming. But I think Salted Caramel would be up there at the top for me. It’s pictured below, and not only is it super cute, it tastes amazing, with a little extra magic to a classic milk chocolate flavor.

If you’ve never heard of cocoa bombs or seen them in action, go watch the Hot Cocoa Bombs highlight on our Instagram profile. It’s a simple process, fun to watch, and delicious to enjoy afterward! Place your hot cocoa bomb into an empty mug. Heat milk to steaming (I use my hot cocoa maker, like this one, to get it to the perfect temperature). Then slowly pour the milk onto the center of the bomb inside the mug. Watch the chocolate melt and the bomb burst open to reveal marshmallows and hot cocoa powder. Stir your cup of chocolate until the rest of the bomb has melted and is mixed well. Then cozy up on the couch and enjoy!

We recently shared our favorite places to get a cup of hot chocolate here in Davis County. I'm making it my personal goal to enjoy a cup from each of those locations, for a date night out, at home or in our car, by the end of February 2021. It’s the most delicious goal I’ve ever made! Along with that list of businesses with a great cup of hot chocolate, I included a fun hot chocolate tasting date night idea. At the end of that post, I link you over to A Prioritized Marriage, for more ideas including putting together a hot chocolate tasting date night at home. These cocoa bombs from Goose Egg Bakery would make the perfect addition to any at home hot chocolate tasting! But you can’t limit your serving size with these, so share with the entire family or prepare for a sugar coma when you’re done.

Add a hot cocoa bomb to the end of any of your date nights this season, whether you go out or stay in. Make a cup to share while you watch a rainstorm or after you go for a brisk walk together. And mix up a couple to accompany your weekly planning session, and make it feel more special! Goose Egg Bakery will be my go to for hot cocoa bombs for the rest of the season, and they’ve made my heart so happy already!