Davis County Date Nights

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Our Fun Family Drive-Thru Date

This past weekend we went on our monthly family date, and it was a big one! Jurassic Quest was in town, so we went for a bit of a drive, to take a drive through the dinosaur museum! The kids loved it and were asking to do it again the minute it was over. If you have the chance to go to the Jurassic Quest Drive-Thru in Utah, do it! It’s worth the trip for the entertainment and education.

If you aren’t familiar with Jurassic Quest, let me tell you a bit about it. Jurassic Quest is a traveling museum and has been making stops at different locations across the country for a few months ago. I first heard about it when a few of my friends in Arizona went through and told us all about it. It’s a drive thru experience, so you stay in your car the entire time. Jurassic Quest takes about 45 minutes to drive through and includes life-size, animatronic dinosaurs in too many varieties to count. They have an audio tour you can stream while you drive that is both entertaining and educational.

My kids were raving about Jurassic Quest to all of our family members through the weekend. And I heard about it from their friends and teachers at school as well. They can tell you the names of their favorite dinosaurs. And they described from memory a few different scenes from our drive for days after as well.

Going on family dates like this, that are a little further from home than we go on a daily basis, are a lot of fun! We picked up takeout and the kids ate in the back while they watched a movie using their headphones. We only pull out the tv/dvd player when we’re going for a long drive, so it’s a treat they look forward to. My husband and I got to listen to music, eat our food and talk while we drove. It was like a little mini date, with the kids in tow but unaware. During the drive-thru dinosaur experience, when there were breaks between scenes, we had a chance to talk to the kids and have fun. Plus we learned a lot of new things and made some great memories! On the drive home, the kids finished their movie, and my husband and I enjoyed the drive and the sunset.

If family dates aren’t something you do at least monthly, you should consider adding them to your routine! Plan an activity or somewhere to eat out. Then tell everyone it’s a family date or a family adventure. Naming it as a date or an adventure will make it that much more special and something your kids will look forward to. Let your kids submit ideas for family date night every so often as well!